In our rapidly evolving global economy, the stock market is a beacon of opportunity for those seeking to build wealth over time. Before we delve into the mechanics of beginning your investment journey, we must grasp the core concept of stocks and their place in the financial landscape. Stocks, also known in financial circles as […]
Day: October 1, 2024
Neora’s Amber Olson Rourke: Sculpting Success in the Beauty and Wellness Arena
In the fast-paced world of beauty and wellness, few stories shine as brightly as that of Amber Olson Rourke, co-founder of Neora. Her 12-year journey at the helm of this thriving enterprise offers a treasure trove of insights for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly women aiming to carve their niche in the corporate landscape. Olson Rourke’s path […]
Marcel Stalder: D’Schwiiz und d’EU – Es bruucht en nöie Aalauf
D’Beziehige zwüsched de Schwiiz und de EU sind im Moment nid grad uf em beste Stand. Aber hinder de Kulisse passiert einiges. De Marcel Stalder, Präsident vom “Lucerne Dialogue”, hät kürzlich mit em EU-Chefunterhändler Maroš Šefčovič gsproche. D’Botschaft isch klar: Es bruucht es nöis Verhandligsmandat vom Bundesrat, und zwar schnell. De Šefčovič hät verstande, dass […]